Hi, I’m Starmute, the Lead Developer for some really cool projects, like Terralith, Incendium, Nullscape, and Amplified Nether. I’m beyond grateful to work with such a talented and dedicated team, creating something so very special.

Starmute has carved away at Minecraft’s vanilla terrain generation for over a year to create Terralith, our flagship worldgen mod and datapack.

Working with our Lead Structure Artist, Whale, Starmute has redefined the Nether experience to be more frightening, risky, and quest-like.

While managing to retain the mind-bending, barren look of the dimension, Starmute designed an impressive take on a more “full” End.

Contact us.

We are excited to hear about your project and eager to connect with you to discuss how we can support and enhance your vision.

Stardust Labs

Stardust Labs ✦